Swimming Awards

Swimmer of the week (picture & coupon)
Nominated by captain & coaches
2 a week (10 & Under; 11 & up)
Comes to practice every day
Completes workout at practice
No complaining
Picture displayed for the entire next week & Free baked treat coupon to be traded in at a home swim meet
Personal Best Time Ribbon (Ribbon)
After each meet if a swimmer has a best time they will receive a best time ribbon.
End of Year Award Requirements:
Participation (Certificate)
On the team until the end of the season
Attended at least 15 hours of practice and attended at least 3 swim meets
Flyers Award (Certificate)
Great Attitude
Comes to practice or makes up practice (at least tells a coach they will not be at practice)
Works hard (completes full workout, no complaining)
Perfect Attendance (Trophy)
Meets the requirement of at least 24 hours of swim practice (make up workouts do count) (Come in on Tuesday & Thursday morning after June 10th for extra instruction & makeup workout)
MOST IMPROVED (10 & Under; 11& UP)
Coaches will decide who they believe made the most progress though out the summer
8 & Under Girl (named engraved on a plaque)
This is just for 8 and under girls
The most improved girl in each of the 4 strokes will get their name on a plaque that is displayed at the pool.
Highest Points (Each age group, Male and Female) (Trophy)
This goes to the swimmer who has scored the most points (by placing in races at swim meets) during dual meets
Captain Awards
Fun awards (swimmers picked by the captains)